Contact Me
Do you want permission to use one of my prayers in one of these ways?
on your website
in your blog
in your church newsletter or bulletin
to read during a church service
as part of an intervention program
Just send me an e-mail with your request using the subject line Request Permission. Send your request to the following e-mail address and replace the (at) with @:
Please note that requests for money, especially those that purport to offer me great wealth in exchange for acting as an agent to facilitate their senders' multi-million-dollar inheritances, are fruitless.
[God bless the spammers and phishers. I hope they see the Light one day. Until then let's affirm that the rest of us remain ten steps ahead of them.]
You may print out the prayers at for your own personal use and inspiration without permission.
If you distribute a prayer in any of the ways listed above, I'd appreciate it if you do contact me and let me know you are doing so, and that you credit me as the author.
If you list Prayerforce content on a web site, please give my site a plug by citing as your source.
Finally, please do not publish any of the material or images on this site for profit without contacting me first and getting my permission.
If you want a hardback or soft cover copy of Prayerforce: 365 Days To A New Life to give as a Christmas, Easter or birthday gift, it is available as an ebook or hard cover volume.

About Prayerforce: 365 Days To A New Life: this devotional is a beautiful journey of personal transformation through prayer.
Prayers address a wide range of contemporary issues such as crime, "soft" addictions, the search for authenticity, our need for stable homes, the benefits of making sex sacred, and our tendency to schedule our lives instead of live them.
Divided into twelve sections, daily prayers will guide you in:
making a fresh start
treating yourself better
making the best choices
dealing with problems like crime
making amends and healing shame
honoring the feminine
creating a soulful, nurturing home
affirming your creative power
getting or keeping your body healthy
forming or strengthening lasting relationships
creating abundance and healing finances
nurturing spirituality and strengthening your faith
Each section features an introduction with encouragement and suggestions on how to approach the challenges of modern life.
[Replace the (at) with @]
Thank you for visiting

Pandia Publishing "Be The Light"
Prayerforce.Org ©2003 Clyo Beck
Background Image Courtesy Nicole Campbell