"Lifting personal and world energies through awareness, intention and affirmative prayer."
Beautiful sculpture of a female body



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Public Service

Help me honor this container in which You reside."

Listen to Verdant Pastures:

Body Prayer

Dear God,

My body is the Home in which You reside.

As I would prepare my home for a beloved guest

I now prepare my body as the temple for Your Presence.

My body never lies.

Its wisdom, born of You, is immense.

My body mirrors what is going on in my mind and soul.

I acknowledge that illness signals the presence

Of unresolved internal conflict.

This conflict is created by collective beliefs about what we

—as human beings—

must endure to experience life.

So I no longer blame my body for its messages.

Instead, I embrace my body with love for its vulnerable honesty.

My body is my beloved, trusted friend.

It works tirelessly to maintain my life without gratitude,

And often with contempt.

O, Beloved Body, that allows me life on Earth, forgive me!

You are beautiful and amazing beyond belief, performing

Billions of reactions in each second flawlessly and seamlessly.

You deserve only love and gratitude.

By the Grace of God

I shower you with love and gratitude from now on.

I work diligently to understand what you, my body, are telling me.

I respect and honor you.

I treat you, my most holy creation of God, with compassion.

I give you the thoughts, food, exercise and sleep

That you need to heal.

I love you and myself into wellness.


I accept that I am valuable.

I appreciate and cherish myself.

And I become more and more healthy.

I am grateful for myself and affirm I am wonderful.

I treat myself tenderly—

—as I would Christ if he came to me today wounded, in pain or ill.

I give myself what I need to thrive.

I forgive myself for everything.

And I get well.

All who read this prayer aid me in my healing.

They join their power with me in a unified force.

Together We send healing energy into my conflicts—

—and dissolve them.

Powerful healing energy enters my body—

—which is a cell in our collective body.

We affirm that, as one cell heals, all cells heal,

And, as one body heals, all bodies heal, for we are One in God.

We are worthy. We are Divine. We love ourselves.

We are God's beloved children and deserve perfect health now.

Having no need for pain, I make a leap into self-love now.

I feel compassion for myself whatever has gone before.

I cease all self criticism.

And I am One with You.

As you raise me out of the attractor field of illness

And into wellness, everything shifts—

—not just for me, but for others as well.

All aches, pains and illnesses dissolve and disappear

Into the nothingness from which they came.

Millions of bodies; millions of minds; millions of lives

Are healed today, in this moment, through Your Grace.

I use my health and energy to glorify You in peace and love.

Thank You Most Intimate Creator for my beautiful, wondrous body

Which I love.

And so it is.

Beautiful book of prayers and affirmations for uplifting the spirit and changing your life for the better.

September 4th: Prayer For The Body

Prayerforce: 365 daily prayers

Available as an ebook or hard cover volume.

Phenomenal Life-Changing Books For Learning Your Body's Wisdom and Healing Dis-ease:

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Prayerforce.Org ©2003 Clyo Beck

Background Image Courtesy Nicole Campbell