We are in a new age. We are understanding that when we are aligned with Higher Purpose life can be easy and joyful. God makes no unfair contracts. Dedicate each day to Higher Purpose and let God smooth your way. ~ Clyo
Prayer To Align With God
Dear God,
As I read these words, my energy
—which is really Your energy—
Rises to a new high within me.
Your beauty, Lord, fills me.
Your love expresses through me in all that I do.
For You are everywhere and I am part of You.
As a drop of Spirit in Your vast sea, my core is Love.
My true nature is Compassion.
For You and I are One Mind and I am aligned with You.
I speak Your words and You make them manifest now.
Peace reigns within me and in the hearts of my brethren.
I unleash healing of myself, my nation and my world.
I am guided to what is most life affirming.
I embrace and fulfill my authentic spiritual needs.
I am filled with new love, new power and new purpose.
I use my power on Your behalf for the salvation of all.
Together, We promote world harmony
—and personal healing of every kind.
For I am One with You and You fill me with Your healing force.
In Jesus name,
The one who inspires me to be both human and holy,
I affirm that You and I and everyone on this planet
Are a loving team, united in peace and joy.
Jesus said, "ask and ye shall receive,"
And "knock and the door shall open."
He did not say: figure out what is best to ask and only ask that.
Nor did he say: your Father in Heaven will say, "No."
Neither did he say: some doors will be closed to you.
He said: have faith the size of a mustard seed
And whatever you ask will be done unto you.
By the power of these words, I am aligned with You,
Dearest Keeper of My Soul.
My faith is strong and You work Your miracles through it.
Praise Hosanna in the Highest.
And so it is.
See also January 12th: I Align With You
Prayerforce: 365 daily prayers
Available as an ebook or hard cover volume.
Aligned gears image is courtesy of |
Pandia Publishing "Be The Light"
Prayerforce.Org ©2003 Clyo Beck
Background Image Courtesy Nicole Campbell